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March 1, 2010

Love and Beauty

“Lord, I have this thorn in the flesh. I beseech You, deliver me from it, but meanwhile I bless You for it; for though I do not understand the why or the wherefore of it, I am persuaded there is love within it. Therefore, while I ask You to remove it, so far as it seems evil to me, yet wherein it may to Your better knowledge work for my good, I bless You for it, and I am content to endure it so long as You see fit.”

Got it from Inspired Faith, and it speaks to me more than I can say here :)

And this morning, when I was at the bemo, I thought about a passage in the Bible about Naomi. She left her hometown in order to survive; yet, she lost her beloved husband and sons in Moab (the city where they lived as strangers). Then she decided to go back to Bethlehem, her hometown.

I was thinking: "God, why did You let her went through such an agony?" when He spoke softly to me,"It happened for a greater purpose. To call Ruth to Bethlehem, to serve my divine purpose. Can you see Me at work through the agony Naomi had to endure? I brought her happiness through Ruth, Boaz, and Obed. Everything is beautiful in the due time."

I believe, Dad, that what I must endure now is to bring out the glow in me. My true color in You coz You love me so much. And at the due time, I'll bring glory to Your name and I shall say: "My eyes had seen the Lord".

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