Instead, just as the one who called you is holy, be holy in every aspect of your life. For it is written, "You must be holy, because I am holy."
(1 Peter 1.15-16)
This verse makes me think that being holy is compulsory. Holiness is one of God’s attributes, and I must have it, make it as a part of my life.
Tuhan, ku rindu masuk dalam hadiratMu
Jiwaku menanti, bawa ku mendekat kepadaMu
Dalam kemuliaan yang kudus
Kunanti Engkau, Allah Kuasa
Dalam kemuliaan yang kudus
Kusembah Engkau, Allah Kuasa
Dalam kemuliaan yang kudus
The Indonesian version of the song is often sung. Yet, I just knew the English version, and it startled me.
I will wait on You, Almighty God,
in the beauty of Your holiness
I will worship You, Almighty God
in the beauty of Your holiness
I never see God’s holiness as a beauty. It doesn’t even occur to me that His holiness is beautiful.
I like beautiful things so much. I love to take some time to stare at them. And certainly I’d like to have it (if it’s a useful thing), or at least take a picture of it (if it’s a scenery, or something I can’t take home). By having this new paradigm, that God’s holiness is a beauty, I believe I won’t see being holy is a burden anymore.
This is a hard topic. No one likes to talk about it, but I still want to, anyway. This topic can’t be avoided, we must face it. Well, at least me. I must accept that this is crucial for my following Jesus. To show that I love Him, I’d do anything that makes Him happy. When I love someone of course I want to make him happy even if it sacrifices my likings. The same thing applies to this holiness.
Holiness is not about moral only, but also every aspects of my life. Including speech (Women usually like to gossip around, whereas men usually like to curse). Find it hard? Let’s give a try to see holiness as a beauty, and then we’ll see! Let’s fall in love (or grow in love) with Jesus, and we’ll see!
actually... some translation for that chorus are right:
ReplyDelete"...Kunanti Engkau Allah Kuasa
dalam indah kekudusan-Mu..."
I am beauty admirer ^^
I like beautiful things so much. I love to take some time to stare at them. And certainly I’d like to have it (if it’s a useful thing), or at least take a picture of it (if it’s a scenery, or something I can’t take home).
ReplyDelete~ Aiih..!!!! *tersipu2 malu sekali aku baca paragraf itu!
Thanks for taking some time to stare at ME!
Thanks for thinking to have ME!
THanks for at least take picture of ME!
Anyway, I am useful and available to be taken to your home.
oya? aku br tw lho nek ada terjemahan lain...
ReplyDeletejos, ini judul aslie apa siy?
loh komenku gak dianggep! T.T
leeeeennnnnnn.... iyaaaaaaaaaa, ntar aku bawa km k rumahku. kumasukin kotak kaca biar kaya manekinnya surfer girl yg tiap sabtu. bedae...km bisa bikin aku ngakak :P tapi...rasae kotak kacae bakalan pecah kena tingkahmu yg ..... hihihi very healthy
ReplyDelete>Valen - HUAHAHAHAAA....Len2...inilah namanya gayung tak bersambut LOLLLL
ReplyDeleteEhem ehem...(berusaha untuk menenangkan diri)
Tentang postnya, setuju bangett..kadang aku memandang kekudusan itu sebagai beban (gak boleh ini itu) tapi aku sadar aku bglakuin itu buat senengin hati Tuhan dan itu sukacita yang melampaui apa pun kalo bisa senengin hati Tuhan..
Dengan cara pandang yang beda (melihat kekudusan sbg keindahan) semuae bakal lebih mudah dan fun!!! :D