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February 5, 2010

Sleeping Beauty (?)

*of course I am the Sleeping Beauty ^^


  1. takpikir itu
    'wake me up when september ends..'

    hahahaha sleeping beauty!

  2. I hope you find the prince charming who will wake you up :)

  3. haha.. yg ktawa pertama berasa jg :p

  4. what happen when sept ends, len? what? what? what? spoil a little, please ;) or.. much? ;D

    russ :) amen!!!

  5. lhaaa... kentara miss lady jadul satu ini gak mengikuti perkembangan lagu2...

    itu judul lagu e green day: 'wake me up when september ends'
    september is ur month rite?

  6. @ valen : bee ga ngerti lagu2 gtuw len.. dee sngane sing meLLow2,len... ^^ hahaha..

    well... acu ya mau jadi sleeping beauty.. (^^) apalagi lek sing mbanguni aku kaya "Taylor lautner".. ta suwe-suweno tidure.. hahahaha

  7. how sweet! oddly, I just heard a story on the news about there is this sleeping sickness in teenagers where they will sleep weeks on end..and when they do awake they are in a dream state. I'm beginning to think I've had that.

  8. What happens when you put Valen and Bee beside each other? Very good laugh :D

  9. valen :) huahahahaha selera laguku uda membaik, berkat km ma jak, tp yg ini beneran ilang wes, g tw blas. opo iku miss lady? lol

    nonik :) lol aku mmg paling suka lagu model kaya gitu mmg... km tw y lagu seng dimaksud valen?

    holly :) thanks for visiting :) really? is there that kind of sickness? well...i have it on Saturdays lol but, when i'm awake i'm not in a dream state ;)

    fe :) wahahahaa, yea...both of us laugh loudly hihihi

  10. fe :0 just kidding... i know what u mean :D

  11. very good laugh.. hahahah XD
    thanks FE!
