On Monday (Sept 21), my sister's family and I took her to Taman Safari. Not only for her, but also for Billy, my baby nephew. Unfortunately, when we almost reached the elephant and giraffe, he fell asleep. Then we went to baby zoo. My friend saw this Sepeda Layang and interested to try. So, she and I bought the ticket. It was a challenge for me, actually. I have a fear of heights, and the bike was squeaking (or was it only me who heard it?). I was afraid the rail would broke and we'd fall off. But, I've overcomed it. The other challenge was, we kept of slipping coz of pedaling the bike. What an exercise it was! But it was fun :)
The next day, we went around Mojokerto. Bought ice creams and fireworks. It was too bad that the fireworks didn't work very well. Anyway, the whole family had fun that night.
On Thursday, we went to Candi Bajang Ratu and Candi Tikus. It was my first time visiting the historical sites of Mojokerto.
On that same day, my friend french-braided me before we came back to Surabaya. We went to Supermall with my brother. We tried Dr. Fish, and here are our expressions:
It felt sooooooo ticklish that I couldn't stand it. I often shooed the fish away from my feet.
Then , my friend took the rabbit she'd bought the day before. He was so cute!!
Can you see the fussy fur? It hides his eyes.
On Saturday I went home again. This time with my cell community. We had a ministry trip in a church in Mojokerto. On Sunday all of us went back to Surabaya. Got ready for Monday.
Is the photo of the fireworks is real from the digicam? it's so detail and focus...I know how fun ur holiday from the amount of "n" letter u have written, lol
ReplyDeleteActually it was a sparkle, jak. And yes, it was taken with a digicam. it was either me or karrie who held the sparkle. do u notice billy with his new hat? he's like a hero from a 'silat' movie i watched looooooong time ago (so mongolian). LOL
ReplyDeletewow.... this is the 1st time u post with so many pic like that! wah.. jadi pengen post waktu2 liburanku.. :D