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August 19, 2009

I'm A Princess

I'm a PRINCESS by grace.
My palace is the Lord's presence.
A crown of righteousness I wear.
Humility is my robe.
I clothe myself with compassion, kindness,
humility, discipline, and patience.
My jewelry is a gentle and peaceful spirit.
Godly wisdom I have for wealth.
I walk on the path of righteousness.

I'm a PRINCESS in love.
My Beloved is the Prince
in His Father's kingdom.
His love saved me from slavery.
He loved me when I was a slave,
and when I'm a PRINCESS,
He loves me just the same.
His love is beyond my logic thinking.
I know what TRUE LOVE means
because of Him.
I am my Beloved's.
He is so wonderful, loving, awesome,
faithful, strong, and loves me so dearly.
His lips speak no lies.
Even so, there are times
when I cheat Him.
But, His love always bring me back
to His arms.
Does he ever angry at me?
Oh, yes, He does it in His sweet manner.
He says His feelings gently,
with LOVE and in TRUTH.
So, this what I want to do:
I want to love Him more each day,
talk with Him more, know Him more,
and honest to Him.
I know when I'm honest
He'll forgive and forget my wrongdoings.

I'm a PRINCESS in a battlefield.
The enemy tries to crush me
with arrows of fear and worries.
I put on my breastplate of integrity and
right standing with God,
tighten the belt of TRUTH.
With my head covered by
the helmet of salvation,
I raise my shield of faith and
the sword of the Word of God in my hands.
My feet wear the readiness
to share the Gospel.
I can stand tall after defeating the enemies
because the blood of Jesus covers me.

I'm a PRINCESS on a mission.
Live to serve my King of all kings.
To restore the broken-hearted,
to raise up foundations for
generations to come.
I open my mouth with understanding.
Words of LOVE and TRUTH are spoken.
So the world can see
that Jesus is the ONE TRUE GOD,
and they can taste His KINDNESS
all the time.

I'm a PRINCESS in the school of life.
So many subjects to learn.
Successes and failures color
my learning process.
The key to success is to listen
to my Advisor, my Wonderful Counselor.

I'm a PRINCESS who can fail.
Fail to put on my attributes,
loss in the battlefield and school,
and disappoint my Father.
Yet, it doesn't lessen my worth
in my Father's sight.
I'm still His precious and beloved
My Father will hug me,
kiss my forehead, and caress my hair.
With his gentle voice He will say:
“I can see your effort through the process.”
“It's okay, My child. I know you can do better
next time.”


  1. it's the first piece i made for my blog in friendster. i know it sounds "narsis", but it's the truth ;)
    so, enjoy it.

  2. "i know it sounds "narsis", but it's the truth ;) "

    LOLLLL i'm with u sis...hahahaaaa...
