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August 13, 2009

Thank You

Thank you for not always be there for me
Teaching me to depend on my Father God totally

Thank you for not always submitting yourself
Teaching me to be patient

Thank you for not always say “Yes” to me
Teaching me to stretch my capacity

Thank you for not always be true to your word
Teaching me to trust Jesus more than any other and forgiveness

Thank you for not knowing that I can do something that you can
Teaching me to always learn something new

Thank you for saying “Yes” to me
Teaching to see a hope in the midst of hopeless situation

Thank you for submitting yourself
Teaching me to humbly submit myself to my authority

Thank you for caring for me
Teaching me to know how to live in a community

Thank you for the listening ears
Teaching me to listen to others patiently

Thank you for the comforting hugs
Teaching me to know that somebody cares

Thank you for the smiles
Teaching me to smile to brighten up someone’s day

Thank you for simple “How are you?”
Teaching to be grateful for small and simple things

Thank you for confiding in me
Teaching me to be trusted

Thank you for your friendship
Teaching me to be a better person

Thank you for accepting me the way I am
Teaching me to realize how precious I am in the sight of God
And see you precious also in His sight.


  1. Thank you for posting this piece
    Teaching me how to be thankful for everything

    "Thank You" is like a sequel of "Love is.."

    And this piece is my fave one so far :)

  2. Jak,
    Thank you for saying "Thank you"
    Teaching me to always say "Thank you"
    Lol...this one is like "What" game :D

  3. Thank You for being a techno woman learner
    eventhough i know u learn harder as a middle age woman (ups! :D)
    that makes us share lots of thought
    to bless another


    nice post miss!!!!

  4. nah sekarang giliran ak mau nanya k kamu... yapa cara masukno blog list? hehehe...

  5. eh ak g ngerti aku di thank you yang bagian mana.. hahahaha

  6. Thank you for not knowing that I can do something that you can
    Teaching me to always learn something new

    di bagian ini, say. hehehe

  7. oya? emang ak ngapain? meng insult kamu supaya akhirnya bisa comment d blogku? hahahah... wah ni lagi online di skul ya.... happy teaching ya mis...

  8. Thanks God..this piece come back...
