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October 14, 2009

Friends for Me

Friends are people with whom I can be Free to be myself.
They Randomly come in various ages and background (and hobbies), also both sexes.
Around them my Insecurity turns into security.
They become my conscience and Encourage me to do the right things.
Sometimes No words needed to express my feelings coz they understand.
In my Dark hours, they offer me a light I long for.
Sometimes there are disagreements, but the way we solve it that matters. And it makes us understand each other better.

So many thanks for being my friends, guys. Words are never enough to express my gratitude for having you in my life. Your existence is far more precious than my moods or feelings.


  1. F = Fun
    R = Reliable
    I = Interaction
    E = Essential
    N = Need
    D = Dazzling
    S = Sharing

    remembered ur card when made this ha3

  2. the one that u made for us when cell group multi...words form from our name letter
