Matchmaking... This term fills my days recently. So many men were introduced by relatives and friends..
On Sunday, a friend came over to my boarding house to take something only, but we couldn't stop our conversation. One of our conversations was about this.
He joins an English course, and when he went there together with his mom, he overheard that the teacher was talking about Jesus. And his mom asked about the teacher's age and if he's single or not (to the teacher himself) without any hidden intentions, purely small talks. Somehow, his mom asked my friend if the teacher suitable for me or not.
I couldn't help myself smiling and laughing at that information. I mean...his mom?? I know his mom and talked to her several times, but never knew that she cares that much about me. I couldn't stop wondering. I rarely goes to his house lately coz I'm busy and he's busy also, but she still remembers me!! Isn't that sweet?
Oh, Daddy... In so many ways You showed that I'm in Your hands, heart, mind, and plan. Never forsaken nor leave me alone. Thank You soooooo much :D
hohohoho........ *0~